Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Words of Wisdom

To make our video we first made a a production plan to get organize all of the things we needed to accomplish, dates of when we were going to do B-roll, interview and voiceovers.  Then we had to go out and shoot the interview and b-roll. 

Metamorphosis Animation

The Metamorphosis Animation we did in GT was about using different animation types to show a story of a character going through metamorphosis or changing from what he was in the beginning. Our story was about a boy named Mike, who is bullied and changes who he is because of the bullies. We used two types of animations, stop motion and digital animation. We could have done a better job with our creativity and execution. We could have worked as a team better as well. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Five Tips For......

We (Justin Paleka and Maverick Yadao) chose to do this project on getting better grades in school because we were actually having some trouble getting good grade grades in school. We also chose this topic because a lot of kids need help getting better and how to get them.This topic really helped us think about what things we can do to get better grades. It also helped us get better grades and helped us to keep getting better grades. Our five tips were.....

1. Finish homework on time
2. Make a time schedule
3. Stay focused in class
4. Turn in homework on time
5. Participate in class

We could have done better by making the music audio level lower when the voiceover spoke. We could have also made sure there wasn't any camera movement. One more thing could be that we could have done better shots, made a few shots shorter and more sequencing. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Practice Profile Story

The purpose of doing a practice story is to practice and make sure we know clearly how to use the DSLR cameras. Also to so that we know the composition techniques and how to do b-roll and voiceovers. This will helped us later on our "Elder Words of Wisdom" project. We chose Tyler because he had an interesting story about him starting parkour and how he enjoys it. We chose this subject because it was an interesting story and we wanted to know more about it.  

Monday, March 10, 2014

Profile Project Progress

Our project is called "Elder Words of Wisdom" and we decided to do the project on my soccer coach, Gino Quintana. The project is about interviewing a an elder that tells great stories or that is always giving you great tips for later on in life. I think we chose to do this project on Gino because when he was in school he kept up with his studies and graduated with a 4.3 GPA while playing a high level of soccer and that is a good example to all sport players that it's possible to have good grades while playing sports. We had to go to different places to get the footage we needed. We went to Gino's house to do the interview and we took the b-roll footage at a soccer field. 

When filming b-roll it's very important to make sure that what you are filming matches what the interviewee is saying or that the visuals flow well with what the interviewee is saying. Also you can never have too much b-roll so film a lot so you have something to work with when editing. The purpose of B-roll is basically to make your story more interesting by showing what interviewee is saying with visuals.Voice-overs help us get the reader's attention in the beginning of the video and can also provide a summary of the story.  

My team and I need to work better on our communication. Communication is key in working in a team and without it we will not finish this project on time. We also need to split up the work evenly so we get it done faster and everybody cooperates with something. This is a good way for everybody to cooperate and help out in the team. 

Based on the critiques we need to improve our interview and story. We went out to reshoot the interview and get a better story for our video. The interview needed to focus more on what the story is about and when we reshot the interview in came out much better and flow better.


Work Needed629%
Minor Adjustment1571%
It's Perfect00%


Work Needed1886%
Minor Adjustment314%
It's Perfect00%


Work Needed1257%
Minor Adjustment943%
It's Perfect00%


Work Needed1152%
Minor Adjustment1048%
It's Perfect00%

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Composition Tcehniques

The main four composition techniques are rule of thirds, framing, unusual angles, and leading lines. Rule of thirds is when you cut your frame into 9 sections or lines and place your subject on these lines. Framing is used to focus the subject in the image or video. Unusual angles are angles used to show interest and an angle that you normally don't see. Leading lines are lines in the environment that lead you to the subject. These composition techniques are important because it will make you visuals more interesting and appealing. You should use them because they will improve your media quality.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Three Shot Sequence

A sequence is an order of interesting shots and angles that are 5 seconds max to show in depth what is happening in the story. Basically to sequence a series of shots you need a wide shot to set the scene, a medium to get more information of what's going on, and a close up to see the details. Sequencing is important because it helps the viewer know what is going in the story visually and also helps the viewer understand what your trying to explain. It's also important because it gives the story more interest and depth.