Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Composition Tcehniques

The main four composition techniques are rule of thirds, framing, unusual angles, and leading lines. Rule of thirds is when you cut your frame into 9 sections or lines and place your subject on these lines. Framing is used to focus the subject in the image or video. Unusual angles are angles used to show interest and an angle that you normally don't see. Leading lines are lines in the environment that lead you to the subject. These composition techniques are important because it will make you visuals more interesting and appealing. You should use them because they will improve your media quality.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Three Shot Sequence

A sequence is an order of interesting shots and angles that are 5 seconds max to show in depth what is happening in the story. Basically to sequence a series of shots you need a wide shot to set the scene, a medium to get more information of what's going on, and a close up to see the details. Sequencing is important because it helps the viewer know what is going in the story visually and also helps the viewer understand what your trying to explain. It's also important because it gives the story more interest and depth. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Spherical Panoramics

 These are my finished spherical panoramics I did in GT. First, I took 10-15 images in a 360 degree rotation with a 10-16% overlap. Then, I edited those images in Adobe Camera Raw. Next, I worked in Photoshop to compile the images into a panoramic using PhotoMerge. 

I then resized the 360 degree panorama to be square and filtered the image with polar coordinates. Finally, I selected the spherical image with the elliptical marque tool contracted and feathered it. 

Personal Reflection

This project was about interviewing someone with the purpose to know about them. This project is to help us prepare and practice for our upcoming project "Elder words of Wisdom". This project was a good practice run because it gave us experience on interviewing people and learning the different techniques and skills. It also gave us a feel of turning in your media on time and the pressure you feel. Here are a few techniques and skills I learned. 

We learned quite a few skills that helped us finish this project on time. For example, communication is important skill to have when you are working with a team because if there is miscommunication you will not get your work done on time. Another skill is to be able to split the work in between your team to be able to finish everything faster and efficiently. A good technique we learned was placing the interviewee in a rule of thirds position and not have a very profiled shot. Also when doing the B-roll the sequencing has to be 5 seconds max.

I took a lot from this experience and I can definitely get better. A few things I need to work on is my editing with the audio and sequencing. Also at one point my team was not communicating well so that's something we can work on. But overall we did a good job and we turned it in by the deadline. I think for our video of "Elder words of Wisdom" is going to be much better thanks to this practice story project.