Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Polar Panoramas

 These are my finished Polar Panoramics that I did in GT class. First we have to find a interesting location with a clear horizon line. Then, I took at least 10 pictures vertically from left to right with a 15% overlap. Next, I edited the images in Adobe Camera Raw and in Photoshop we set the edited images as a panorama. 

I then resized the panorama to 5000x5000 and rotated 180%. Finally, I went to filter >distort >polar coordinates and edited and rotated the finished images.

  1. Chose a good place to take your pictures and look for the horizon line.
  2. Take at least 10 pictures vertically from left to right that overlap.
  3. Edit your images and set it up as a panorama.
  4. Resize and rotate.
  5. Filter > Distort > Polar coordinates.
  6. Finally edit images and rotate.

Friday, January 17, 2014

All About Me

    Hey everybody!! Here's a description of me and what I like to do.........
    I have been attending Kapaa Middle School and the GT program for two years. I've been living on the island of Kauai for almost two years. I came from California on July 4, 2012. I lived in California for about eight years. There in California is when I first experienced the joy and glory of playing soccer.

The first time I played soccer I really enjoyed playing it even though I wasn't very good I worked hard to improve my skills. The reason being is because I really wanted to play the soccer games and know what it feels like to play the beautiful game. After a few weeks of practicing, my soccer coach let me play the games.

My life here on Kauai is really good, but I sometimes miss California and my friends. Life here on Kauai though is awesome and peaceful. When my friends from California contact me it really makes me miss them even more. I hope I get to go to California to see my friends after 2 years of not seeing them.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Final Photomontages

Here are my two finished Photomontages that were inspired by David Hockney, that he called "Joiners". I used a digital camera take the photos of an inspiring place. Then I used Adobe camera raw to edit the photos. Finally I used photoshop to compile the finished photos and complete my joiners.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Magazine Cover

This is my finished magazine cover I did in 2013 at KMS for my GT class. I used a digital camera to take the image and edit in photoshop and made contour of the image.