Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Polar Panoramas

 These are my finished Polar Panoramics that I did in GT class. First we have to find a interesting location with a clear horizon line. Then, I took at least 10 pictures vertically from left to right with a 15% overlap. Next, I edited the images in Adobe Camera Raw and in Photoshop we set the edited images as a panorama. 

I then resized the panorama to 5000x5000 and rotated 180%. Finally, I went to filter >distort >polar coordinates and edited and rotated the finished images.

  1. Chose a good place to take your pictures and look for the horizon line.
  2. Take at least 10 pictures vertically from left to right that overlap.
  3. Edit your images and set it up as a panorama.
  4. Resize and rotate.
  5. Filter > Distort > Polar coordinates.
  6. Finally edit images and rotate.

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