Friday, January 17, 2014

All About Me

    Hey everybody!! Here's a description of me and what I like to do.........
    I have been attending Kapaa Middle School and the GT program for two years. I've been living on the island of Kauai for almost two years. I came from California on July 4, 2012. I lived in California for about eight years. There in California is when I first experienced the joy and glory of playing soccer.

The first time I played soccer I really enjoyed playing it even though I wasn't very good I worked hard to improve my skills. The reason being is because I really wanted to play the soccer games and know what it feels like to play the beautiful game. After a few weeks of practicing, my soccer coach let me play the games.

My life here on Kauai is really good, but I sometimes miss California and my friends. Life here on Kauai though is awesome and peaceful. When my friends from California contact me it really makes me miss them even more. I hope I get to go to California to see my friends after 2 years of not seeing them.

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